
The decision to refuse admission for Step 2 clubs supporters in to FA Cup games today is farcical. The most ridiculous regulation of this most ridiculous decision is that supporters of step 3 and below can attend if their club is at home but the away fans, if they are in National League North or South, cannot.

Scenes like this at Potters Bar Town v Barnet in last seasons 4Q won't happen this season. 

To make matters worse the decision was only announced on Tuesday while some clubs had happily sold to supporters regardless of which club they supported. The lateness of the decision gives clubs little time to put up road blocks leading in to their town or to get staff trained on what away fans tattoos to look for. Whoever drafted this rule deserves a That's Life Jobsworth award.

Step 2 fans banned, That's Life.

Regardless of your thoughts on what measures should be in place to combat Covid19 the fact remains that people can gather in “bubbles” for activities deemed acceptable by the powers that be. So those of us who can’t do the things that make our lives more pleasurable, in however large or small way, will compare the fact that people can attend in a relatively small space and drink alcohol then meet hundreds of other people a little after 10pm and congregate in the streets waiting for transport home. This isn't a dig at people who rely on their livelihood from pubs or those enjoying a night out it's merely showing the contradiction of being in a building socially distanced (mmm) and being in an open space socially distanced.

Cleethorpes Town.

I've covered a few games this season both behind closed doors and with supporters of both sides present. Cleethorpes Town have been a great example of how to organise a socially distanced event. There were clear one way routes, stewards on hand to direct people to the entrance and exit points and other measures in place regarding numbers allowed in buildings etc. So, it can be done. It does also then rely on people adhering to the social distance advice but that is the same for pubs, shops, workplaces etc, so why is football being treated differently?

Empty grounds look as good as a full ground, but not when a game is being played.

On behalf of the Non-League Directory I've been following the winners of a tie in this season's FA Cup and today takes me to Gainsborough Trinity's wonderful Northolme. Trinity play at Step 3 and have had 583 and 421 in attendance for games this season. However, the Step 2 rule comes in to play because neighbours Boston United are using the ground for their 2Q tie against AFC Mansfield, so no fans are allowed at all. Boston's new ground is not quite ready. 

Gainsborough Trinity v Boston Utd in the FA Trophy 1998/99.

I’ve always believed that if bad news has to be given then a reasonable explanation for any decision is more easily accepted by people regardless of how disappointed they may find that news. I can’t understand why it is ok for people to gather in pubs and then on the streets yet people aren’t allowed to attend a football ground where there is space to spread out.

The reality of the situation is that some supporters of the “Elite” clubs have actually been supporting their non–league neighbours by attending games at step 3 downwards. So what does it matter what level our club is at, we are all football supporters, we are all human, it is like a colonial rule banning one section of the community.

AFC Mansfield (red) saw off Gainsborough Trinity in the last round.

To aid our step 2 friends I have included a link to ebay where you can purchase an old man disguise so those pesky committee men can’t identify you, the added bonus of this is that if a group of 6 all get the same disguise you will all look related and no further questions will be asked. Good luck. 



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